gathered breath artinya
- gathered: mengumpulkan; berkerumun; bergerombolan;
- breath: nafas; pernafasan; bernapas; napas; bayangan;
- gathered: mengumpulkan; berkerumun; bergerombolan; terkumpul; berhimpun
- breath: nafas; pernafasan; bernapas; napas; bayangan; b?rnapas; petunjuk; m??hirup; istirahat; udara
- gathered around: berkumpul
- gathered ground: bertambah
- gathered to a head: memantapkan diri
- be gathered to one's father: meninggal dunia
- gathered life's roses: mencari kesenangan hidup
- a breath of air: udara segar
- bad breath: halitosis
- bate breath: menahan nafas
- breath mints: pudina nafas
- catch breath: mengambil napas -
- catching breath: mengambil napas -